Articles from this Category
…and the Fog Rolls In
February 22, 2014
The fog covers Yankee Woods right before crazy strong winds cleared things out. Pretty wild winter so far this year.
Titan Swim Team
February 9, 2014
Congratulations to the Tinley Park High School Titan Swim Team. Conference Champions 2014
Water Drop
February 4, 2014
A little more table top photography here with a water drop. These are fun projects for those bad weather days.
Lady in a Blue Dress
February 2, 2014
Tried a little smoke photography the other night and came up with this one. It looks like a lady in a blue dress to me anyway!
2013 Favorites
December 30, 2013
Looking back, 2013 was a pretty good year for pictures. I went through my Lightroom catalog and picked out my favorite pictures. Realizing I had picked enough pictures to bore the heck out of most people, I narrowed it down to this gallery. I hope you enjoy the view!